All posts by aidanniskala

I am a education student at the University of Regina in my last semester before internship.


Much like the lines in the trees and wood, so are the intricate lines from the frozen water along the creek in Regina. I thought of these lines as the lines in my hand and how no ones lines are identical. This ice formation will never be repeated exactly as it is when i took the picture

faceinations part 1

20140310_203006faceinations part 1

I’ve often seen faces when I look at something for a long enough time period. Could be faces in the frost of windows or shadows but I will focus on the faces I see in wood to keep with the tree theme. I’ve noticed how once I see a face in a piece of wood my eye goes directly to that area and that piece of wood becomes something different to me after that. I never look at it as just a piece of wood after I recognize a face in it, it becomes a piece of art, a unintentional drawing from the natural lines. I love finding these face shape in things and it fits with the humanizing of the other.

Continuing with humanizing the “other” I’ve gone through my pictures of trees and found that many of the pictures resemble open wounds.  The dried sap and crusty looking colors it produces resembles the healing process of an open wound which is scabbing, also the other yellows and deep reds looks as though the tree is infected with puss.  While thinking about finding resemblances of human bodies in distress in the trees I also thought about exploring this subject further which will be dehumanization and will be present through photography in my next blog  

“Humanizing the Other”

My weekly exploration is about taking photos of objects or living organisms (trees) and taking the photos to make them appear like they are a human body part in distress.  My main focus is on trees that appear to have human diseases or deformities.  But I will expand from trees and start using other things in my surroundings.  I have been taking photographs of trees for a couple years now zooming in on the areas that appear to be a human wound or infection so I will start with a few of these photos and my intention is to paint them on canvas to get a really juicy and thick textured image of them.